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Decked Builder

37 articles

App Crashing

Q: How do I fix app crashing when opening Decked Builder or searching for cards? A: The first step is to reinstall Decked Builder and run the app once more. If the issue still persist and the result is still the same. Please do contact us on this link and be sure to follow the instructions from there...

Contact Us

If you have a question, please check our FAQ — your question might have already been answered. To let us help you better, be sure to let us know: Which operating system and version (iOS/Android/Windows/Mac) you are on What version of the app you are using What device model are you using...

How to fix card art missing?

Q: How to fix card art missing? A: You may try to fix this by deleting the Card Art, clear cache and downloading the set again. If the issue still persist and the result is still the same. Please do contact us on this link and be sure to follow the instructions from there on how we can help you bette...

How do I fix Card Cam not working?

Q: How do I fix Card Cam not working? A: You may try to fix this by deleting the Card Art, clear cache and downloading the set again. Once you have cleared the card arts and clear cache. Go to the camera and update the set by clicking on a certain set from the database. If the issue still persist an...

How to re-download orb file?

Q: How to re-upload orb file? A: first go to C:\Users\yourusernameonyourcomputer\AppData\Local 2nd step would be Deleting Deckeduilder folder. Open the app. update data base and/or Card cam which ever is having issues. If the issue still persist and the result is still the same. Please do contact us o...

Unable to upload CSV file

Q:Unable to upload CSV file Answer: Once you have the file you may go ahead and import it through you may receive different kind of errors if you directly import it from Google Drive or Cloud.

Q: I bought Decked Builder / collection / card cam for (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac), why do I have to buy it again if I want to use it on (different platform)?

Q: I bought Decked Builder / collection / card cam for (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Mac), why do I have to buy it again if I want to use it on (different platform)? A: Decked Builder take pride in having built each platform from the ground up. As such, each platform has to be updated separately f...

Q: I require urgent technical support or have a suggestion / complaint / feedback. Is there an email address I can write to?

Q: I require urgent technical support or have a suggestion / complaint / feedback. Is there an email address I can write to? A: Certainly! You can write to us at [email protected]. Rest assured that we read every email and will generally try to respond within a week for any feedback. Requ...

Q: My app is crashing, what should I do?

Q: My app is crashing, what should I do? Email us, and if you can, it would really help us if you could send us the crash logs as well. Android crash logs: The easiest way would be to use an app like Log Collector to send us the crash logs:

Q: I was having a few problems with your MTG deck builder (Windows). Certain cards when selected for viewing show up blank.

Q: I was having a few problems with your MTG deck builder (Windows). Certain cards when selected for viewing show up blank. A: Kindly delete this directory: C:\Users\<<username>>\AppData\Local\deckedbuilder\dbdir. Then, Uninstall - Reinstall the app and download the database again.Note: Change <<user...

Q: The shuffling when testing decks seems very non-random. What is your shuffling algorithm?

Q: The shuffling when testing decks seems very non-random. What is your shuffling algorithm? A: Our shuffling algorithm simulates a true random deck. That means that every individual card has an equal probability of being in any single slot. Note that truly random shuffles would display clumps of...

Q: Why are your search results capped at 400 cards?

Q: Why are your search results capped at 400 cards? A: This is due to the limited memory of the iPhone or iPad -- we cannot fetch larger lists of cards without running out of memory.

Q: How quickly do you update for new sets?

Q: How quickly do you update for new sets? A: We try to keep the turnaround time for new sets within two weeks of their release on Gatherer, and the HD card art not long after. We generally update the app for new sets as soon as they are publicly released on Gatherer, to avoid any issues with ...

Q: Will you continue to update the app with new card sets for free?

Q: Will you continue to update the app with new card sets for free? A: Yes, that is our plan. We earn a very small commission for every card sold through the app via our vendor partners, which helps keeps our servers running and our people working on new updates. You can help us continue the ...

Q: Can you add an option to allow us to batch download all the HD art onto my iPod Touch / iPad?

Q: Can you add an option to allow us to batch download all the HD art onto my iPod Touch / iPad? A: We have started a blog entry on this, would appreciate your comments on the issue here:

Q: Why are my cached pictures being deleted?

Q: Why are my cached pictures being deleted? A: The app currently stores the card photos in a cache directory on the iPhone like any good iPhone app. This means that iOS can decide to flush the cache at any time if it needs to recover the space, for example, if space is running low on your device...

Q: How do I delete a deck in the iOS version of the app?

Q: How do I delete a deck in the iOS version of the app? A: In the "Load/manage decks"-screen, swipe left on the name of a deck that's not in use to make a delete-button appear on the right. Tap that to delete the deck.

Q: What are the possible ways of exchanging deck information between the various apps?

Q: What are the possible ways of exchanging deck information between the various apps? A: Decked Builder provides several easy ways to exchange your .dec files with other users or among different devices: email, website sharing, and Cloud storage providers, such as Box, OneDrive, Dropbox, Google ...

Q: Can the decks be synchronized between iOS and MAC? And between MAC and Windows? And Android?

Q: Can the decks be synchronized between iOS and MAC? And between MAC and Windows? And Android? A: Yes, all devices can synchronize decks and collections via Cloud storage devices.

Q: On an Android phone, how do I save decks into Dropbox?

Q: On an Android phone, how do I save decks into Dropbox? A: For those planning to use Dropbox Sync, the easiest way to get decks into Dropbox is to use the "Send Deck" menu function. Be sure to install the Dropbox App first from the Google Play Store. That way, you will be able to upload your de...

Q: How do I set up Dropbox on an iPhone/iPad?

Q: How do I set up Dropbox on an iPhone/iPad? A: go to save a deck or collection, and in the bottom left of your screen, switch from "Local" to "Dropbox". Your iPad will prompt you to set up a link with your Dropbox account if you haven't before. Afterwards, you can save any deck or collection in...

Q: Why does the button in my mobile device's settings say "Unlink Dropbox" despite me never linking my Dropbox?

Q: Why does the button in my mobile device's settings say "Unlink Dropbox" despite me never linking my Dropbox? A: Because that's the only thing that button does--to link your device to your Dropbox account, follow the steps described above.

Q: How do I set up Dropbox on a Windows Computer or a Mac?

Q: How do I set up Dropbox on a Windows Computer or a Mac? A: The easiest way is to save a deck or collection to Dropbox on a mobile device first, as it'll create a folder in Dropbox for you to save to and load from. Saving or loading outside this folder will cause your other devices to be unabl...

Q: I think I lost all my decks and/or collections, is there any way I can find them through iCloud?

Q: I think I lost all my decks and/or collections, is there any way I can find them through iCloud? A: Yes, you can. While iCloud does not sync decks, it does store all the files. You can find your documents by checking iCloud | Manage Storage and Backup in your Settings app. If you are experien...

Q: Why does the collection management not support variant artwork, foreign language cards, card quality etc.?

Q: Why does the collection management not support variant artwork, foreign language cards, card quality etc.? A: The underlying philosophy behind collections management in Decked Builder is to support deck building and help answer the burning question -- what card do I need to get to complete my ...

Q: Do I need to purchase the collection feature twice if I want to use it on both Decked Builder & Decked Builder HD and sync between my iPhone & iPad?

Q: Do I need to purchase the collection feature twice if I want to use it on both Decked Builder & Decked Builder HD and sync between my iPhone & iPad? A: Yes. They are separated purchases. Users would have to purchase both if they want to use it on both devices. Apple doesn't seem to have the ca...

Q: Is there any way to merge collections together?

Q: Is there any way to merge collections together? A: Actually, there is a way to merge collections together manually. It is possible if you open both of them up in a text editor and just copy and paste one into the other. However, if there are duplicates on the list, the app will only pick up on...

Q: While adding cards to my collection, I've noticed some cards have entries next to the collection button (as an example: Divination (0)3 from DA). When I add a card to my collection, the number in parentheses goes up too. Is this a bug?

Q: While adding cards to my collection, I've noticed some cards have entries next to the collection button (as an example: Divination (0)3 from DA). When I add a card to my collection, the number in parentheses goes up too. Is this a bug? A: The number in brackets gives the total number of that c...

Q: Do the collections backup to iCloud?

Q: Do the collections backup to iCloud? A: Yes, you can build the collections and save them on iCloud.

Q: Can the collections be synchronized between iOS and MAC? How about Android?

Q: Can the collections be synchronized between iOS and MAC? How about Android? A: Yes, the iOS and Mac versions can synchronize collections via iCloud or Dropbox. You can also use Dropbox to synchronize between OS and Android.

Q: I bought the Collection Management add-on, when I reinstall the app, do I have to purchase the add-on again?

Q: I bought the Collection Management add-on, when I reinstall the app, do I have to purchase the add-on again? A: You do not. You can either use the "Restore Transactions" button, or alternatively, if you purchase the collections add-on from Apple, you will not actually be charged. The collect...

Decked Drafter Q: I just reinstalled my app. Do I need to repurchase all my existing sets?

Decked Drafter Q: I just reinstalled my app. Do I need to repurchase all my existing sets? A: You absolutely do not need to repurchase your sets. The sets are "non-replenishable" in-app purchases, to use Apple's lingo. Apple keeps a transaction history of all your purchases, which means that you...

Card Cam Q: Is there any way to make card cam scan all sets instead of just up to 4 on the windows software or just 1 on the android app?

Card Cam Q: Is there any way to make card cam scan all sets instead of just up to 4 on the windows software or just 1 on the android app? A: No, at the moment. This is due to CPU/memory and recognition limits (the more cards to consider, the less accurate the card cam becomes). .dec File Format...

How to delete the database on Windows

First just delete this folder: C:\Users\<<username>>\AppData\Local\deckedbuilder (depending on which drive where decked builder is installed) "Username" is the name of your drive. Once deleted , update or reinstall the app for the data base to be updated.

Database Issues

Database Issues If you are experiencing issues with the database, you can clear out (and thus reset) the existing database by entering this in Terminal: rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.deckedbuilder.deckedbuilderFor Android, you can delete the images in this directory:/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.dec...

.dec and .coll File Format

.dec File Format Decked Builder saves decks in the .dec file format, which is a popular file format for exchanging decks over the Internet. For example, Magic Online allows you to export decks in .dec format. The .dec file format is a text file format, so you can open them in editors like Notepad on W...

Windows Version Error Crashing when opening

The fix for this is to delete the database folder which is located C:\Users\human\AppData\Local\deckedbuilder or whichever drive it is saved and delete it, then run the app again.